Principles of Transparency and Best Practice

Peer Review Process: Every submitted content apart from editorial materials is subjected to peer review to ensure the content quality. Science Digest defined and followed its peer-review process and policy on the journal's website and is available publicly under the heading of Peer Review Process and Policy.

Governing Body: Science Digest is operated by an independent editorial board, and all editorial board members are experienced and recognized experts in their subject areas. Full details of the editorial team, including complete names, affiliations, and possible digital identifiers, are available on the journal’s editorial page.

Author Fees: There are no charges for the rejected articles, no submission charges, and no surcharges based on the length of an article, figures, or supplementary data. Article Publication Charges required for manuscript publishing in the Science Digest are clearly stated on the Publication Fee page for our potential authors to know this information before submitting their manuscripts.

Copyright: Science Digest is an Open-Access journal. Copyright and licensing information are clearly described on the journal’s web site, and licensing terms are indicated on all published articles, both on the Web and PDFs.

Research Misconduct: Science Digest fully adheres and complies with the policies and principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics . The Science Digest enforces a rigorous peer-review process and strict ethical guidelines to ensure high-quality scientific works in the field. Executive Managing Editor is responsible for taking necessary steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, among others. Detailed policy for handling research misconduct is available on the journal's website at Research Misconduct.

Website: Science Digest uses the SciOne digital publishing technology to shape the journal's website. SciOne provides end-to-end services across manuscript submission, peer review, content hosting, analytics, and identity management. We have especially taken care that the journal's website does not contain any information that misleads potential authors, readers, and editors, including any attempt to mimic another journal/publisher’s site.

Name of Journal: The Journal name ‘Science Digest’ is unique and not be one that is easily confused by the potential authors, reviewers, editors, and global audience with another journal.

Conflicts of Interest: Science Digest has a well-defined policy on handling potential conflicts of interests (in line with ICMJE ) for editors, authors, and reviewers. To view the policy, click on the Conflict of Interest.

Revenue Sources: Science Digest is a self-financed open access journal, published in online and print versions. Article publication charges levied to authors are the only source of income utilized to maintain the administrative and print costs. Also, a minor part of revenue comes from print subscriptions and advertisements, if any.

Access: As an open-access journal, the Science Digest is freely available online, but the print edition is available only to the paid subscribers.

Advertising: Science Digest occasionally publishes paid job offers or conference announcements.

Archiving: Science Digest is archived in Asian Digital Library . All published content of the Science Digest is preserved and accessible via Asian Digital Library if the journal is no longer published.

Direct Marketing: Science Digest sends direct emails to solicit manuscripts to the well-targeted and registered members of the journal. The journal rarely sends out unsolicited emails, and if we do, we limit them to about 30 invitations per day, and they are personalized. Thus they are not mass emails or spam. In addition, users can unsubscribe from the email alerts any time using their profile page.

Publishing Frequency: Science Digest publishes quarterly.